The University of Salamanca has been a focal point of culture and learning since its founding in 1218. Today it offers an attractive portfolio of academic titles and is engaged in research of relevance throughout many fields. In addition, it is the “University of Spanish” and each year is host to students of Spanish language and culture from some 70 countries.
Prospective students wishing to take an undergraduate degree will find our University to be an educational establishment of the highest caliber, with degrees specifically adapted to the employment market and which effectively prepare the way for further studies. Excellent faculty members and support services are found throughout all of our University campuses in Salamanca, Ávila, Béjar and Zamora. Here students will also discover a culturally dynamic student environment in which they can develop both as University students and as individuals.
Those who are considering taking post graduate, masters or doctorate studies can choose from a range which encompasses many academic fields, endorsed by Quality Labels and developed by members of research groups at the highest level, some with external ratings of "excellence". Students will have the opportunity to study and commence their University career alongside the very best.
The University of Salamanca is also a very attractive proposition for companies with an interest in the transfer of technology from the University Departments, Institutes and Centers located in the Scientific Park.
This portal is the presentation gateway to the University of Salamanca and the principal source of information about the University and its services. It provides service to the University community as well as to the general public; we hope it is efficient and successful in sourcing and communicating information to all of you. We also hope that visitors to the site will make us aware of any shortcomings and in doing so allow us to make improvements.
A warm and cordial welcome to the University of Salamanca!