This service is responsible for defending the rights and freedom of the members of the University Community. The University Ombudsperson does not respond to any other authority and acts with full autonomy, independently of all other bodies. In fulfilling its functions it will always aim to improve the quality of the University in all its aspects and will act as promptly as possible.
Its main functions are the following:
To attend to any complaints put forward (excluding all those requiring judicial rulings or administrative disciplinary actions). After studying the case, and when necessary filing the complaint, the Ombudsperson will try to provide a prompt solution initiating the pertinent investigation. To carry out his or her duties he or she can request any information, from any University Department, that he or she may consider necessary, as well as the appearance of any directly or indirectly related party.
To attend to any queries relating to the University, advising on the most appropriate resolution of the problems.
To mediate and work on reconciliations, when required by the parties, aiming to solve disputes and confrontations.
Provide reports when required or deemed necessary for the ongoing proceedings.
Suggest appropriate solutions for the cases presented.
Present an annual report to the University Governing Council, making recommendations and suggestions for the improvement of university services, and when necessary addressing particular problems. Any member of the University Community (individually or collectively) may request the intervention of the Ombudsperson if he or she considers his or her rights violated as a result of acts or decisions of a university department, body or a member thereof. You can contact the Ombudsperson personally, by telephone or by email. However, to formally present a complaint, it must be in a written form, with the reasons clearly stated, and accompanied by any addtional documents that may be relevant to the case. The claimant or claimants must also include their personal details and contact information (address, telephone number, email). Anonymous complaints will not be accepted. All information presented to the Ombudsperson is private, and confidentiality is assured as long as personal identification is not necessary for the resolution of the conflict.